Team GPS aims to be a single pane of glass for Technology Service Providers relating to Employees and their Performance. With Success Measures you will be able to pull data directly from your PSA tool providing visibility for the Employee and Manager into how a user is performing.


How to Enable Success Measures

Success Measures are tied to Team GPS Designations. To turn this feature on for a user, we need to enable the Success Measures for the assigned Designation.

1. Navigate to Organization Settings > Organization > Designations

2. Select the Designation applied to the user

3. Toggle Show Success Measures on

Note: Enabling Success Measures at the Designation level allows us to provide consistent clarity across multiple users. Example: All Level 1 Engineers will be measured by the same KPIs that we determine.

Our next step is to assign the correct PSA Tool Member ID to the Team GPS user.

1. Navigate to Organization Settings > Organization > Employees

2. Select the Employee you would like to link for the Success Measures

3. Ensure that the correct Designation is selected

3. Enter the External Member ID for the user

Note: This should be the associated Member ID from the PSA Tool

Now that we have turned Success Measures on for the Designation, applied the correct Designation to the Employee and linked them with the correct Member ID in the PSA tool, the Employee will see their Success Measures on the Home screen of Team GPS.

Success Measures Calculations

Success Measure
First Call ResolutionThe number of tickets that an employee resolves the first time they work the ticket.
  • Ticket was assigned to the resource
  • Ticket has 1 time entry from the resource
  • Ticket is in a closed status
Average Tickets Closed per DayThe number of tickets an employee resolves (closes) on average each day. Calculated against the number of days the employee works (excluding PTO, Holidays and Weekends)

Number of tickets closed / Number of days worked

Utilization RateThe amount of an employee's time that is billable work calculated as a percentageBillable Hours divided by total hours worked
CSAT ScoreThe Net Customer Satisfaction score of CSAT Reviews received by the employee% of Positive CSAT Reviews - % of Negative CSAT Reviews
Response RateThe Response Rate for the CSAT Reviews received by the employee compared to the number of tickets closedNumber of CSAT Reviews received / Number of Closed tickets (CSAT Reviews sent)