Team GPS v1.10 is an enhancement release that provides the following new features:

Performance Management | 1:1 Meeting Enhancements

  • You can now schedule 1:1 Meetings with any other user in Team GPS. Only Managers can see the Success Measures of Employees that report to them. If you are not the Manager of a user with which you've scheduled a 1:1 Meeting, that user's success measures will not be visible to you.
  • You can now Edit an individual 1:1 Meeting instance or edit the entire series of a recurring 1:1 Meeting.
  • You can now Cancel an individual 1:1 Meeting instance or cancel the entire series of a recurring 1:1 Meeting. 

Performance Management | Success Measures (Kaseya)

Kaseya users can now use Team GPS Success Measures. Success measures present a scorecard of KPIs that measure performance of an employee. The Success measures below are pulled directly from the Team GPS CSAT module and the integrated PSA Tool (Kaseya):

  • CSAT Review Rating
  • CSAT Review Response Rate 
  • First Call Resolution
  • Average Number of Tickets Resolved per day
  • Average Utilization Rate

Note: To enable Success Measures for your team | How to Enable Success Measures

UI/UX Improvements

  • The Employee Page has been streamlined to one page and fields have been better aligned based on categories. 
  • Social Feed has been re-designed to more easily view details via shoutouts
    • This change has also altered the display of the points to accommodate international clients' by better representing the points without conflict of country currency
  • Social Feed Leaderboard will now refresh every month to better gamify the users receiving shoutouts. This will display the users who have received the most shoutouts from colleagues each month