Team GPS v2.1 is an enhancement release that provides the following updates:

CSAT Review Award Automation

Users can now automate the recognition of their users who receive positive CSAT reviews. The platform will automatically assign points and notify all users when someone receives a positive CSAT Review.

Users can navigate to automated Awards from Admin Settings > Rewards & Recognitions > Awards to configure the Positive CSAT Review award.

Once configured, any time a user receives a positive CSAT Review, they will be awarded the point value configured, and the review will post to the Social Feed along with all of the other positive, collaborative shoutouts for all to see!

Calendar Integration

Users can now integrate 1:1 Meetings with their calendars using an .ics file. When creating a meeting, a user will now have the option to download an .ics file and sync the meeting directly to their calendar.

CSAT Review Updates

We have implemented some quality-of-life improvements to CSAT Reviews:

  • Contact Name field has been added to the CSAT Review data.
  • CSAT Overview page has been made available to all users with Employee level security role