Integrating ConnectWise Manage with Team GPS streamlines data exchange between the two platforms, enhancing productivity and facilitating comprehensive reporting. This integration allows you to pull specific API data for team members directly into their scorecard in Team GPS and enables the seamless sending and tracking of CSAT or CES surveys from ConnectWise Manage.


Configure Security Role in ConnectWise Manage (Optional)

You have the option to use either the "Admin" role to ensure full access for the API member or you can create a custom security role in ConnectWise Mange to assign to the Team GPS API member.

Custom ConnectWise Manage Security Role

Create API Member

  1. In ConnectWise Manage, go to System > Members > API Members.
  2. Click on the + symbol to create a new API member named "Team GPS".
  3. Enter "Team GPS" as both the MemberID and Member Name.
  4. Assign the previously created "Team GPS" security role to the API member OR assign the Admin role.
  5. Ensure default settings for level, name, location, and business unit are configured accordingly.

Note: Do not restrict access to boards from this API member if data capture is required for CSAT Scores and other Scorecard KPIs

Generate API Key

  1. Once the API member is created, navigate to the API Keys tab of that API Member.
  2. Click on the + symbol to generate a new API key and enter "Team GPS" in the Description field.
  3. Hit "Save" (not Save And Close)
  4. The system will generate the Public Key and the Private Key
  5. Take note of both the Public and Private keys provided. Copy these somewhere as you will need them for the next step.
Note: The Private key is only visible at the time of creation and will disappear upon navigating away from this screen. Be sure to record it before closing the screen.

Configure Integration in Team GPS

  1. Access Team GPS and navigate to Admin Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select "PSA Tool" and toggle on the ConnectWise integration.
  3. Enter the ConnectWise site information (e.g., and Company ID.
  4. Input the previously generated Public and Private keys.
  5. Click on "Integrate" to finalize the setup.

Upon successful integration, a confirmation message indicating that the PSA tool has been integrated will be displayed.


By following these steps, you'll seamlessly integrate ConnectWise Manage with Team GPS, enabling efficient data synchronization and enhancing your workflow by leveraging API capabilities and automated surveying functionality.